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The schedule-flows crate offers the ability to schedule a task.


  • Cron Scheduling : The library offers the schedule_cron_job function that accepts cron expressions for scheduling tasks​.
  • Integration Ready : It integrates with Flows Network's API and it can be used in combination with other services supported on the platform​​.
  • Ease of Use : With simple syntax, you can create tasks like sending a message to a Slack channel at a specific time daily​.


The minimum interval of events triggered by schedule-flows is one hour. To use Schedule Flows, import the necessary functions and define the task:

use schedule_flows::schedule_cron_job;
use slack_flows::send_message_to_channel;

#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
pub async fn run() {
schedule_cron_job(String::from("50 8 * * *"), String::from("cron_job_evoked"), |body| {

This example sets up a cron job that sends a message to a Slack channel at 8:50 UTC daily.

Flows that uses the schedule-flows crate