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The flowsnet-platform-sdk crate offers the ability to print log for flows.


How to add logging to your code

To add logging to your code, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Cargo.toml file and add the following lines:

    flowsnet-platform-sdk = "0.1"
    log = "0.4"
  2. In the beginning of your Rust code, ensure that you import the flowsnet_platform_sdk crate:

    use flowsnet_platform_sdk::logger;
  3. Inside your run function, initialize the logger:

    pub async fn run() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // Rest of your code
  4. Whenever you want to print log information, use the standard log crate and provide the desired message:

    log::debug!("Received payload: PR Synced");

That's it! Logging functionality has now been added to your code.

Setting up the flow

To enable the log of the corresponding level to be printed, go to the "Settings" tab and scroll down to find the "Configuration" button. Add a new configuration with the name RUST_LOG and the value indicating the level you want to print. For example, setting the value to debug for log::debug!() to work in your code.

Now, whenever the flow is triggered, you can see the detailed logs. Please note that the logs are only saved for the latest three days.

All the logs will be displayed in the "Running Log" tab, as shown in the accompanying image.

Flows that using the flowsnet-platform-sdk crate