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The sendgrid-flows library enables you to automate email operations using SendGrid on the Flows Network platform. You can send emails directly from your Flows Functions, providing you with more ways of communication and enhancing your ability to deliver results.


A Flows Function or bot, built with this library, is able to send emails upon your request. It can be integrated seamlessly with other services on the Flows Network.


When instructed, the function uses the send_email() function to send an email through SendGrid. The specific action taken is defined within the function that you provide to listen_to_channel().

Here is a minimal example:

use openai_flows::{Email, send_email};
use slack_flows::{listen_to_channel};

pub fn run() {
listen_to_channel("myworkspace", "mychannel", |sm| {
let email = Email {
to: vec![""],
subject: "Hi",
content: sm.text
send_email("", email);

This code shows a basic bot that listens for incoming messages in a specific Slack channel and sends an email through SendGrid with the content of the Slack message.

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