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The github_flows crate enables you to create GitHub automation bots hosted on the Flows Network platform. This allows you to listen to events in your GitHub repositories, interact with rich GitHub services, and build more complex and tailored solutions on top of these features.

The Octocrab crate is a popular third party GitHub API client in Rust, we brought it to the serverless world with octocrab_wasi crate, and further built github_flows on top of it.

This library supports extensive GitHub API features. Please visit the documentation page for more information on what can be done with it.


Built with this library, a Flows Function or bot, can listen to events happening on your GitHub or choose to use other triggers like schedule_flows events, a scheduling feature for running tasks at specified times. Upon receiving a trigger event, such as a new comment on an issue, it executes a pre-defined action or series of actions. In many cases, these events are GitHub WebHook events. github_flows handles these WebHook payloads, parsing them and passing them on for further actions.

In the case of our example on this page, the function uses the method listen_to_event() to register a listener for incoming issue comments.


Once the function receives a trigger, it performs an action. In this case, the function reacts to the issue comment with a rocket emoji. The handler() function defines the action to take upon receiving a comment on an issue.

Here is a minimal example:

use github_flows::{
get_octo, listen_to_event,
octocrab::models::{events::payload::EventPayload, reactions::ReactionContent},

#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
pub async fn run() {
// `some_login` must be authed in
listen_to_event(&GithubLogin::Provided(String::from("some_login")), "some_owner", "some_repo", vec!["issue_comment"], handler).await;

async fn handler(payload: EventPayload) {
if let EventPayload::IssueCommentEvent(e) = payload {
let comment_id =;

// installed app login
let octo = get_octo(&GithubLogin::Provided(String::from("some_login")));

let _reaction = octo
.issues("some_owner", "some_repo")
.create_comment_reaction(comment_id, ReactionContent::Rocket)

This code shows a basic bot that listens for incoming issue comments and reacts with a rocket emoji.

Note: The tokio used here is tokio_wasi with macros and rt features.

API Reference