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Configurations, made up of a name/value pair, is a variable whose value is set outside It's very similar to environment variables. You can store your secret key and pass the parameters to the function.


How to use in your code

You can just simply use env::var(name) in your code.

 let owner = env::var("github_owner").unwrap();
// another example
let owner = env::var("github_owner").unwrap_or("juntao".to_string());

How to configure the configuration on a flow

Let's go through how to use the configurations when and after you deploy a flow function.

If you create a flow from a template, you just need to follow the UI instruction to enter the required configurations.

If you create a flow from importing the source code, you can click Advanced text to add configurations.

After the flow function is deployed, you can also add or delete a configuration.

Go to the Setting tab, scroll down, and you will see the Configuration table. See Change Configurations for more information.

Flows that using configuration feature