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Discord slash command

In this article, I will show you how to use slash commands to interact with your Discord bot. Specifically, this flow function is a weather inquiry bot. When you type /weather + the city name, the bot will respond to you with the weather information of this city.


  1. A GitHub account to log into the platform. It's free.
  2. A Discord server that you have permission to add a bot.

Prepare the source code

For this tutorial, we already created a repo named discord-api-demo for you to fork.

Import and build

Click here to import your forked source code repo for the flow function into

For this flow function, we need to add a Discord token and a bot id in settings so that it can listen for messages from a specific Discord bot. Please refer to How to create a Discord chat bot on how to get your Discord token. Click on the Advanced link to configure the settings.

discord_tokenCopied from Discord Developer Portal
bot_idCopied from Discord Developer Portal -- General information -- Application ID

Click on the Build button to create the flow function.

In the next screen, you will be asked to connect to Discord. Since we are providing a Discord API token to access the bot here, you can simply click on Deploy.


Finally, you will be redirected to the flow details page, where you can check for service status and logs. Discord should appear as a connected service on this page.

When the status of the flow is ready and running, you can invite the Discord bot to your server.

Refer to this guide to invite the bot to your server.

After the bot joins your server, you can find the bot on the right online contact list. Then you can go to the specific channel and type /weather + city name to give it a try.

Code walkthrough

The on_deploy() function is called the platform when the flow function is deployed.

  • It registers slash commands on the designated Discord bot.
  • It creates a listener on the servers to listen for these slash commands.
  • It creates a listener on the servers to listen for messages to the designated Discord bot.
pub async fn on_deploy() {
let discord_token = env::var("discord_token").unwrap();
let bot = ProvidedBot::new(&discord_token);



The register_commands() function registers a slash command weather for a Discord bot using Discord's HTTP API.

async fn register_commands() {
let bot_id = env::var("bot_id").unwrap_or("1124137839601406013".to_string());
// the details of a slash command
let command = serde_json::json!({
"name": "weather",
"description": "Get the weather for a city",
"options": [
"name": "city",
"description": "The city to lookup",
"type": 3,
"required": true

let discord_token = env::var("discord_token").unwrap();
let http_client = HttpBuilder::new(discord_token)

match http_client
Ok(_) => log::info!("Successfully registered command"),
Err(err) => log::error!("Error registering command: {}", err),

Now we have registered a slash command. It is shown on the Discord UI when the user tries to send a message to the bot. When the user sends a slash command to the bot, we need to capture and handle it in our flow function. Next, let's see how to listen for a slash command. The handler function is annotated with #[application_command_handler]. If the input matches a /weather command, it will extract the city option from the command arguments and then call the get_weather() function to look up weather data for the given city. Finally, it will send the response back to the bot in the same channel it received the slash command from.

async fn handler(ac: ApplicationCommandInteraction) {
let discord_token = env::var("discord_token").unwrap();
let bot = ProvidedBot::new(discord_token);
let client = bot.get_client();


_ = client
"type": InteractionResponseType::DeferredChannelMessageWithSource as u8,
let options = &;

// Listen to the slash command
match {
"weather" => {
let city = match options
.expect("Expected city option")
.expect("Expected city object")
CommandDataOptionValue::String(s) => s,
_ => panic!("Expected string for city"),

// Send the result to the channel
let resp_inner = match get_weather(&city) {
Some(w) => format!(
Today in {}
Low temperature: {} °C,
High temperature: {} °C,
Wind Speed: {} km/h"#,
.unwrap_or(&Weather {
main: "Unknown".to_string()
w.main.temp_min as i32,
w.main.temp_max as i32,
w.wind.speed as i32
None => String::from("No city or incorrect spelling"),
let resp = serde_json::json!({ "content": resp_inner });
_ = client
.edit_original_interaction_response(&ac.token, &resp)
_ => {}

After receiving a slash command /weather, the function will call the get_weather() function, which in turns makes an HTTP call to an external web service. You can check out the weather inquiry function. You also can refer to the Acess external web service guide for more details.