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A Discord bot powered by ChatGPT

In this article, I will show you how to create a flow function that incorporates ChatGPT services. This flow function is a Discord bot. You can chat with it in a conversation. All the bot answers come from ChatGPT. You can change the ChatGPT prompt in the bot's source code for the bot to take on different personalities.

You can also create the Discord bot through a flow template. The template is an easy-to-use no-code solution, but it is also less flexible.


  1. A GitHub account to log into the platform. It's free.
  2. A Discord server that you have permission to add a bot.
  3. An OpenAI API key.

Prepare the source code

For this tutorial, we already created a repo named discord-gpt for you to fork.

Import and build

Click here to import your forked source code repo for the flow function into

For this flow function, we need to add a Discord token in settings so that it can listen for messages from a specific Discord bot. Please refer to How to create a Discord chat bot on how to get your Discord token. Click on the Advanced link to configure the settings.

discord_tokenCopied from Discord Developer Portal
placeholder_textOptional: The "wait" message displayed to the user while the bot waits for ChatGPT replies
system_promptOptional: The system level prompt that sets the context for the entire conversation

Click on the Build button to create the flow funtion.

In the next screen, you will be asked to connect to Discord. Since we are providing a Discord API token to access the bot here, you can simply click on Continue.

Configure the OpenAI API key

Enter your OpenAI API key on the next screen. You can have multiple keys and give each of them a name. You can then access the keys by their names through the OpenAI SDK in the flow function.


Finally, you will be redirected to the flow details page, where you can check for service status and logs. Discord and OpenAI should appear as connected external services on this page.

Test it!

When the status of the flow is ready and running, you can invite the Discord bot to your sever.

Refer to this guide to invite the bot to your server.

After the bot joined your server, you can find the bot on the right contact list and DM the bot. The bot will chat with you now!

Code walkthrough

The source code for the flow function is written in the Rust programming language. The on_deploy() function is called by the platform when the flow is deployed. We start a listener for the designated bot in on_deploy().

pub async fn on_deploy() {
let token = std::env::var("discord_token").unwrap();
let bot = ProvidedBot::new(token);

The handler() function is annotated with #[message_handler]. It is called when the bot receives a message. We first sends the placeholder message back to the user asking him to wait. Note that channel_id uniquely identifies the Discord conversation for this bot message as the bot can be in multiple conversations at the same time.

async fn handler(msg: Message) {
let token = env::var("discord_token").unwrap();
let placeholder_text = env::var("placeholder").unwrap_or("Typing ...".to_string());
let system_prompt = env::var("system_prompt").unwrap_or("You are a helpful assistant answering questions on Discord.".to_string());

let bot = ProvidedBot::new(token);
let discord = bot.get_client();

let channel_id = msg.channel_id;
let content = msg.content;

let placeholder = discord.send_message(
"content": &placeholder_text

Next, it detects if the message is /restart command. For this command, it will set a flag in a KV store provided by the platform. The flow function can access the KV store using the store API in the SDK. When the flag is set, the flow function knows to "restart" the conversation when it is triggered the next time. That is, it will start a new conversation when the user sends in a new message after /restart.

    if content.eq_ignore_ascii_case("/restart") {
_ = discord.send_message(
"content": "Ok, I am starting a new conversation."
store::set(&channel_id.to_string(), json!(true), None);

Then, we send the bot message ChatGPT via the OpenAI SDK. Once we receive a reply, we will replace the placeholder message with the actual reply. Note that the OpenAI SDK automatically caches the conversation history, including the system_prompt at the beginning, so that you do not need to replay the entire conversation at every request. The conversation history is cached under the key channel_id.

    let mut openai = OpenAIFlows::new();
let co = ChatOptions {
model: ChatModel::GPT35Turbo,
restart: restart,
system_prompt: Some(&system_prompt),

match openai.chat_completion(&channel_id.to_string(), &content, &co).await {
Ok(r) => {
_ = discord.edit_message(
"content": r.choice

As you can see, the flow function gives you fine-grained control over the interactions between Discord and ChatGPT so that you can deliver a fully customized experience for your bot users.

Read more

Tutorials and sample code for related flow functions. Click on the Deploy link to configure and deploy your own flow without writing any code from a template.